CW: contemporary transgender lived experience.
Commencing in 2024, she returns to the elemental materiality that has been consistent throughout her practice to began a new phase drawing upon an avocational interest in queered applications of esoterica. A protective invocation for the trans+ lived experience emerges to queer the linear perception of time and challenge seemingly immovable oppressions faced by herself and her community.

Foregrounding esoteric measures of time such as through Queer Moon Magick (invoking the divine feminine) and Seasonal Sabbats, the trans+ lived experience is protected and elevated. While linear time, which can seem to dictate a loss of agency forcibly upon trans+ bodies, becomes challenged as the dominant measure for any trans+ experience. 

Her current artistic practice is therefore an act of resistance where hope is held in the queered esoteric: change is real, but time is not. Time is only a reflection of the seasons of change. Here the artist will respond to the queer elemental materiality of Fire, Water, Earth, Air, and Spirit across an interdisciplinary practice that celebrates elemental rebirth for trans+ people through mediums such as painting, sculpture, and ritualised acts of performance, protection, endurance and hope.