
This is a list of select highlighted commissions and residencies and is not an exhaustive list of the artworks made by tjb. Following this, is a list of curatorial work in her capacity as an Artistic Director. 


40 - August 2020 - Center for Arts, Design + Social Research; Boston, USA

CHTHONIC film and written reflection in collaboration with Anne Bean - June 2020 - Come Hell or High Water Zine; London UK

CHTHONIC - June 2019 - London Festival of Architecture, Bow Arts and Raw Labs; London, UK

Lines in the Landscape Residency - April 2017 - Sidney Nolan Trust; Presteigne, UK

PRESENCE/s in collaboration with Joke Lanz - December 2015 - Ausland; Berlin, Germany

AIR in collaboration with FK Alexander (Sound: Kylie Minoise) - August 2015 - Forest Fringe, Edinburgh Fringe Festival; Edinburgh, Scotland

PASSION:flower in collaboration with Ernst Fischer - July 2015 - Latitude Festival; Suffolk, UK

PERCEPTON:Lab - June 2015 - Mobius; Boston, USA

SELF/s Portrait - June 2015 - Panoply Performance Lab; Brooklyn NYC, USA

FIRE in collaboration with FK Alexander (Sound: Kylie Minoise) - 2015 - Buzzcut Festival, Pearce Institute; Glasgow, Scotland

The Lived Body: REDUX (Sound: Lee Chaos) - November 2014 - Tempting Failure, The Island; Bristol, UK

PASSION:flower in collaboration with Ernst Fischer - May 2014 - MPA, Das Theater der Zukunft; Berlin, Germany

SELF/s Portrait - October 2013 - HFWAS, Birmingham Cathedral, UK

SELF/s Portrait - May 2013 - MPA, ACUD Gallery; Berlin, Germany

The Lived Body (Sound: llewyn máire) - March 2013 - Buzzcut Festival, Old Shop; Glasgow, Scotland

[RE]authoring through Sacrifice - March 2012 - Buzzcut Festival, The Glue Factory; Glasgow, Scotland

Traces of Being: IDENTITY EXISTENCE OBJECT (Sound: llewyn máire) - March 2011 - Seven Arts; Leeds, UK

Traces of Being I - June 2010 - Act Art 8, Metalworks; London, UK

Psychosis ii (Sound: Stephen Hughes) - November 2009 - Camden People’s Theatre; London, UK

Purification -  2009 - Rifrazioni Festival; Anzio, Italy

Tintarella Di Luna in collaboration with Ernst Fischer and Helen Spackman - 2009 - Rifrazioni Festival; Nettuno, Italy

Psychosis i - February 2009 - Camden People’s Theatre; London, UK

Erosion - 2008 - Sacred Festival, Chelsea Theatre; London, UK

Book of Blood in collaboration with Leibniz - 2008 - Sacred Festival, Chelsea Theatre; London, UK


A night of performance art in aid of Mind - 2023 - Venue: Ealing OPEN Gallery

A night of performance art in aid of Ealing Foodbank and SOS MEDITERRANEE
- 2022 - Venue: Ealing OPEN Gallery

at/tempting failure
- 2020-1 - Venue: online only [COVID-19 pandemic]

Tempting Failure
- 2018 - Venues (in alphabetical order): Braithwaite Hall, Croydon Council Chambers, David Lean Cinema, Front Room, Matthews Yard, Surrey Street Market, Turf Projects, Whitgift Centre and Young Roots

Tempting Failure - 2016 - Venues (in alphabetical order): Barberette, D:NA, Hackney Downs Park, Hackney Showroom, HM Home Office, Matthews Yard, Turf Projects and Theatre Utopia  

Tempting Failure - 2015 - Venue: Latitude Festival

Tempting Failure - 2014 - Venues (in alphabetical order): Bear Pit, Castle Park, Edwardian Cloakroom, The Island Bristol and Peoples Republic of Stokes Croft

Tempting Failure - 2013 - Venue: The Island Bristol

Tempting Failure - 2012 - Venue: Performance Space

Live Art for Amnesty International - 2009 -  Venue: Meantime Gallery

Live Art for Amnesty International - 2008 -  Venue: Gloucester Docks

Formative Professional Work

Before establishing a body of work in curatoiral practice, visual art and performance art, tjb began her professional carerr in theatre direction and choreography, with solo and ensemble performance across cabaret, theatre and live art. The following is a selection of curated credits from this period.  


The Failed Method - 2012 - Olympus Theatre

Mountain Language by Harold Pinter - 2012 - Taylor Theatre

New World Order by Harold Pinter - 2012 - Taylor Theatre

A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare - 2012 - Llanthony Priory

Polar Bears by Mark Haddon - 2011 - in aid of Mind

Phaedra’s Love by Sarah Kane - 2010 - Taylor Theatre

100 by Christopher Heimann - 2009 - Taylor Theatre

Celebration by Harold Pinter - 2008 - Taylor Theatre

The Gas Heart by Trsten Tzara - 2008 - Taylor Theatre

Butoh Choreography/Dance 

Requiem - 2013 - Choreography tjb, Olympus Theatre; Bristol, UK

Absence - 2012 - Choreography tjb, Taylor Theatre; Gloucester, UK

Mined - 2011 - Choreography tjb, Taylor Theatre; Gloucester, UK

Products of Conception II - 2008 - Choreography SilverSmith Dance Co. Nightingale Theatre; Brighton, UK

Products of Conception - 2006 - Choreography Lorraine Smith Laban; London, UK

Forest of Shadows - 2005 - Choreography Marie Gabrielle Rotie, Chisenhale Dance Space, London, UK

Ensemble/Cabaret/Live Art

[meditation] - 2007 - Wired Up Festival; London, UK

the abject scream - 2007 - Whitechapel Gallery; London, UK

avarice + envy - 2007 - Fuck the Back Row Festival; London, UK

pi (version 3) - 2006 - Battersea Arts Centre; London, UK

Frightened Ones (Dresden Dolls Tour) - 2006 -  Cambridge Junction; Cambridge, UK

The Keeper (Dresden Dolls Tour) - 2006 - The Astoria; London, UK

Club Class - 2006 - Dir. FrenchMottershead, Tate Modern; London, UK

where did all the colour go? - 2005 - Goldsmiths; London, UK

Deep End - 2005 - Dir. Geraldine Pilgrim, Corridor Co. Marshall Street Baths; London, UK

what AKTION ii - 2003 -  site specific: Islington, London, UK

wounDED - 2002 - East End Collaborations Platform; London, UK

what AKTION i - 2002 - site specific: London Bridge, London, UK

Abjection Monologues & WOTSpring - 2001 - site specific: Tower Hamlets, London, UK